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FyF Cornerstone

Real Name: Colton Splane

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Age: 14
Height/Weight: 5'6"/125 lbs
Theme Song: "96 Quite Bitter Beings" - CKY
Debut: May 22, 2002
Former Personnas: Xekutioner
Titles Held: Shootfight Title (2x), Television Title, Hardcore Title V1 (6x, first)
Greatest Match: 4/5/03 - Now or Never - Xekutioner vs Soldja
Finishing Move(s): Apocalypse (Spinning Spinebuster)
Signature Moves: Air-Splane (Spinning Closeline), Moonsalt, Sharpshooter
Information: Easily one of the most celebrated wrestlers ever to compete in the FyF, Pyro will always have a home in the Front Yard Federation. As a cornerstone of the company along with Jason, The Shoveler, and Soldja, he helped mold the FyF into what it is today. Having held the Shootfight, Television, and Hardcore Titles, only one belt has eluded him in his tenure...the FyF World Heavyweight Championship. This kid definately has what it takes and if and when he returns, that may just be in his grasp for the first time in his career.

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